The ultimate guide to preventing tooth decay in your child
Tooth decay in children has become a problem for every parent in the modern era. This article is an ultimate guide to preventing tooth decay in your child.
When should kids start brushing to prevent tooth decay?
Good dental care in a child begins before the first tooth appears in the oral cavity. Even before teething starts, run a damp cotton cloth on the gums of the baby to clear away harmful bacteria. You can also clean your child’s mouth and massage gums with a soft silicone finger brush. It is available in all baby stores. It not only prevents tooth decay but also helps in teething.
The first teeth in a baby’s mouth start erupting at 6 months of age and it is called teething. This time on, they are exposed to a variety of processed foods. If not cleaned properly, this processed flour sticks to the milk teeth and allows the oral bacteria to multiply and release substances that cause tooth decay. This is early childhood caries.
So start brushing the teeth with an infant toothbrush and a little bit of fluoridated toothpaste.
To know more about how to prevent tooth decay in your child, read more